Sorry this disc is a bit late! We have
been a little bit busy!!
This time around there are few articles
simply because Ive not received many
for inclusion, please send in articles
and reviews so that they may be put
on here, your views are important.
Disc space is a little short as Ive used
most of it on a nice demo and some
fantastic pieces of art (digitised but
who cares!). Included are a couple of
handy utilities and the PD library has
been updated as well as an actual
update to the library program itself!
(Thanks to Andy Smales for that!)
Please let me know wether you all
prefer this sort of disc, containing
programs and demos/graphics rather
than the other sort with more of an
interest in articles, if I dont hear
anything then I will assume that
you prefer a sort of monthly program
compilation rather than a disc mag.
To do a proper disc mag we would need
your support to do so, this means get
a blank disc, dig out first word and
put something together - it wont hurt
you and hopefully you'll get something
out of it, as will other users.
If theres any PD thats not in our
library and you feel it SHOULD be
then don't hesitate to send it in,
we will swap it with any of our discs.
One final point, thanks to all the
kind people who did questions for our
Make a Break game, it has been updated
and a screen added (by a friend) and
now plays much better!
Thats about it - remember the type of
disc you receive is entirely up to
you - this time we have decided to do
something a little different to what
has gone before... Remember too that
if you don't like it then please say
so and say why, and what we could do
to make it better.
Next time we should have advance
software reviews and some more neat
stuff but until then (and it won't
be so late next time!) adios!
Cheers - 17Bit.
The utilities included this time
QMOUSE - Speeds the mouse movement
up a great deal, when you get used
to it!
SPEEDISK - Speeds disk access up
which is a useful file to have in
an auto folder of programs that
include much disc-access.
CONFIG - A hard disk configurement
program received direct from Mandarin
and it was written by the Author of
STOS. (Document & source included)