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Screenshots - Cybermorph

Cybermorph atari screenshot
Cybermorph atari screenshot
Cybermorph atari screenshot
Cybermorph atari screenshot
Cybermorph atari screenshot
Cybermorph atari screenshot

Information - Cybermorph

Additional Comments - Cybermorph

Other version with the same title:


Excludes introduction and ending animation sequences and has fewer voice samples.

Ads - Cybermorph

Cybermorph Atari ad

Article - Cybermorph

Presenting Attention to Detail

Cybermorph Article

Les Jeux Jaguar
Games round-up for Jaguar.

Cybermorph Article Cybermorph Article

Easter Eggs - Cybermorph

Bonus Levels
To access the bonus levels, enter the password 6009. Choose the lower right-hand planet to receive several powerups.

Level Password
1 1008
2 1328
3 9325
4 9226
5 3444
? 6009

Unlimited Ammo
For unlimited ammunition, go to the Control Options screen and press 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 9 followed by the fire button.

Trivia - Cybermorph

Additional Credits:
Skruch, John
Patten, Sean

Originally bundled with Atari Jaguar.

Posters - Cybermorph

Cybermorph Atari Posters Cybermorph Atari Posters

Book / Magazine Reviews - Cybermorph

 ST Review · December, 1994Rating: 88% 

Cybermorph Atari review 

 ST Format · February, 1994Rating: 87% 

Cybermorph Atari review Cybermorph Atari review Cybermorph Atari review 

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