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Screenshots - Plonker

Plonker atari screenshot
Plonker atari screenshot
Plonker atari screenshot
Plonker atari screenshot
Plonker atari screenshot
Plonker atari screenshot
Plonker atari screenshot
Plonker atari screenshot

Information - Plonker

GenreBrain - Logical / PuzzleYear1994
LanguageSTOS BASICPublisherDunce's Cap Software
ResolutionLowLicensed from

Cobbledick, Dave

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Cobbledick, Dave

Game design

Cobbledick, Dave

Box / Instructions
Musician(s)LicenseGame Demo or Preview - Commercial
Sound FX

Cobbledick, Dave

Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 1MB
Dumpdownload atari Plonker Download / STNumber of Disks1 / Single Sided

Additional Comments - Plonker

Other version with the same title:

Dunce's Cap Software ().

The download is only the demo version

Instructions - Plonker

                                         HOW TO PLAY THIS DEMO

      This  demo contains ten levels of 'Straight Matching' and 3  rounds 
      of 'Lucky Dip' to tantalise and whet your taste buds for more.

      To  load  the demo locate and 'double click' on  the  program  file 
      PLONKDEM.PRG and wait for the program to load and 'depack'.

      You will be shown an information screen;  if you press 'space'  the 
      intro routine will commence and the title screen will appear.

      Press 'space' on the title screen to move into the game proper. All 
      rounds are preceeded by information on what the round is about  and 
      what you have to do, as well as the current round number.

      All  exits from information screens are performed by clicking  both 
      mouse keys; this is done by clicking and holding the left mouse key 
      and  then  clicking the right mouse key.   Once performed  you  can 
      release both mouse keys - takes about a millisecond to register.


      All  movement of your cursor ( rotating orange star ) is  via  your 
      mouse.  You open a grid square by placing your cursor in the centre 
      of the square you want to open then press any mouse key.

      Your  cursor will disappear and the grid square  will  open.   Once 
      open it will display its contents and your cursor will reappear  at 
      the  top centre of the grid play area.   You can now  open  another 
      grid square in the same way;  if the contents of both open  squares 
      are  the  same then you have made a 'match' and  they  will  remain 
      open; other wise they close up and hide their contents.

      Continue  this procedure until you have opened and matched all  the 
      grid squares;  if you do this before running out of chances or time 
      then you will score and move on to the next round.

      If  you run out of chances or time then you will lose one  of  your 
      lives  (  only  two in this demo ) and the current  round  will  be 
      reset; the contents of each grid square will change on a reset.


      An  information screen will appear at the end of the game -  either 
      after you complete all ten levels or lose all your lives.  You  can 
      select to either play the demo game again or quit to the desktop.

      Please remember that in this demo you are only seeing a fraction of 
      what is on offer in the full version of PLONKER and for only  œ9.99 
      it represents superb value for money for a game that can be enjoyed 
      and played by all of the family - boys,  girls, mums and dads, even 
      the grandparents can all take part in this fun game.

      Playing  PLONKER  can help to develop memory skills,  hand  to  eye 
      coordination  and help build stamina and reflex actions to  heights 
      that you once thought impossible;  all of this whilst having fun in 
      the comfort of your own home.

      Don't  be  a PLONKER by missing the opportunity to  own  this  fast 
      paced superb quality game.

Book / Magazine Reviews - Plonker

 ST Review · Christmas, 1994Rating: 75% 

Plonker Atari review 

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