Kirby's Dream Land [Falcon030]

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Screenshots - Kirby's Dream Land [Falcon030]

Kirby's Dream Land [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Kirby's Dream Land [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Kirby's Dream Land [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Kirby's Dream Land [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Kirby's Dream Land [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Kirby's Dream Land [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Kirby's Dream Land [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Kirby's Dream Land [Falcon030] atari screenshot

Information - Kirby's Dream Land [Falcon030]

GenreArcade - Platformer (Scrolling)Year1997
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisher[no publisher]
ControlsJagpad, KeyboardDistributor-
Players1DeveloperReservoir Gods
ResolutionVGA / RGBLicensed from

O'Reilly, Leon [Mr. Pink]

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Dempsey, Kevin [SH3-RG / Sparehead 3]

Game design

HAL Laboratory

Box / InstructionsEnglish

Grant, Malcolm [MSG]

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX

Dempsey, Kevin [SH3-RG / Sparehead 3]

Cover Artist(s)ST TypeFalcon030 / 4MB
Dumpdownload atari Kirbys Dream Land [Falcon030] Download / Zip-packed folderNumber of Disks? / ? / HD Installable

Instructions - Kirby's Dream Land [Falcon030]

   _____   ____    ____      ____     _____   __  ___     _____      ____ _____
  //  _ \ //   \  //   \    //   \   //  _ \ // \ \\ \   //  _ \    //  ///  _ \
 //  / \///  / \//  /\/   //  / \ //  / \///  /  \\ \ //  /\\ \  //  ///  / \/
//  /   //   ¹¹ /\\  ¹¹¹¹\//   ¹¹ ///  /   //  /   // ///  /  \\ \//  ///  /
\\  \   \\  \¹¹¹  ¹¹¹¹// /\\  \¹¹¹ \\  \   \\  \  // / \\  \  // /\\  \\\  \
 \\  \   \\  \//\//¹\// /  \\  \//\ \\  \   \\  \// /   \\  \// /  \\  \\\  \
  \\  \   \\  ¹ /\\  ¹ /    \\  ¹ /  \\  \   \\  ¹ /     \\  ¹ /    \\  \\\  \
   \\  >   \\  /  \\  /      \\  /    \\  >   \\  /       \\  /      \\  >\\  >
    \\/     \\/    \\/        \\/      \\/     \\/         \\/        \\/  \\/
     ¹       ¹      ¹          ¹        ¹       ¹           ¹          ¹    ¹
                   _____       _____        ___       _____
                  //  _ \     //  _ \       \\ \     //  _ \
                 //  /\\/    //  /\\ \       \\ \   //  /\\/
                //  / _____ //  /  \\ \  //¹¹¹¹  \  \\  ¹¹¹¹\
                \\  \ \\   \\\  \   \\ \//  /¹¹\\ \  ¹¹¹¹¹\\ \
                 \\  \ ¹// / \\  \  // /\\  \   \\ \//¹\  // / 
                  \\  \// /   \\  \// /  \\  \  // /\\  \// /
                   \\  ¹ /     \\  ¹ /    \\  ¹¹¹ /  \\  ¹ /
                    \\  /       \\  /      \\    /    \\  /
                     \\/         \\/        \\__/      \\/
                      ¹           ¹          ¹¹¹        ¹

   ________     _____           __         ___          _____      ___  __
  /    ___/    /     \          \ \       /   \        /     \    /  /  \ \
 /    / __    /    /\ \    ______\ \     /  /\ \__    /    /\ \  /  /____\ \
/    / /  \  /    /  \ \  /         \   /   ¹¹    \  /    /  \ \ \          \
\    \ \__ \ \    \   \ \ \     ____ \  \     ____ \ \    \   \ \ \_________ \
 \    \   \ \ \    \   \ \ \    \   \ \  \    \   \ \ \    \   \ \          \ \
  \    \  /  \ \    \  /  \ \    \  /  \  \    \  /  \ \    \  /  \  _____  /  \
   \    \/   /  \    \/   /  \    \/   /   \    \/   /  \    \/   /  \    \/   /
    \       /    \       /    \       /     \       /    \       /    \       /
     \     /      \     /      \     /       \     /      \     /      \     /
      \   /        \   /        \   /         \   /        \   /        \   /
       \_/          \_/          \_/           \_/          \_/          \_/

 KIRBY'S DREAMLAND [ Release 5.0 ]

o Oh joy! Another GodBoy game! Can it play it?

Yes son, of course you can.
As long as you have a Jagaur Joypad or a Keyboard.
A RGB or VGA monitor may also be helpful to view the screen.
It would also be useful to have an Atari Falcon to run the game on.
Alternatively, you can just look at the disk and play the endlessly 
fascinating game of 'is it on or off?' with the write protect tab.

o You are the best! But how do I play it?

I think dream guru Freud put it best with his Austrian psychologists' 
catchphrase: "use you hands".
Alternatively you can use the Atari mindlink with sh3's driver.

o Wow! That's Amazing! Can I have your babies?

You can join the queue. There's a nine year waiting list.



 By The Spirits

In the beginning there was the intro.
And the intro was a collection of pixels that moved around the screen
by the magic of machine code instructions.
And the people saw the intro, and they said unto the computer
"bugger this, how do we play the game?"
And the Reservoir Gods heard the cries of the people and were displeased.
For forty days and forty nights they had fasted in the wilderness (Abermule)
with only a copy of Devpac and an old issue of 'The County Times & Express'
( featuring saucy shots of the Welshpool carnival queen ).
The philistines in the temples had turned the people against the Gods.
"the sprites flicker in bubble bobble!" they whispered.
"why can't I run other Gameboy games on GodBoy?" they asked.
"Megaman is a flop!" they declared.
"why don't you code it in machine code?" queried the madmen, their senses
dulled by wine and being stupid.
For the devil had placed tongues into their heads and they spoke with these
tongues in strange and foreign languages that no living person could
understand (German).
The Gods decided to teach the people a lesson and they sent forth a plague
of multitedia games with FMV intros and no gameplay.
The people paid 50 pieces of gold for each title and then found there was
no game to play. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
And the gods laughed. And then they spoke
"Behold your 300mhz PCs are just empty vessels for the parasites of software
industry to fill with garbage. You must repent."
And a great surge of anger grew across the people as they hurled their PCs
out of the windows, stuffed them into dykes and buried them in the earth.
This was a bit unfair on the dykes, but these were intolerant times.
"You have fasted for too long" said the gods "and now you can feast
on a real game! Behold - Kirby's Dreamland."
And there was much rejoicing, dancing and burning of dykes (politcal
correctness hadn't yet been invented.)

 Visit the Spirits website:



Kirby is a rotund little guy. Imagine Ken Clarke compressed into a beach
ball and you will get the idea. Kirby's main pleasures in life are sucking
and blowing, a hangover from his early life in King's Cross. Kirby is also
rather fond of collecting stars.

The story is a familar one. You live in a dreamland full of fluffy bouncy
creatures, just generally hanging around bouncing and being fluffy. Not
doing anyone any harm. Then some evil dude comes along and steals all your
stars so all the people in your land will starve. Why does he do this?
Just for a laugh really. But for the starving ball shaped sprites of
Kirby's home land it is not a joking matter.

Kirby considered getting in a UN negotiating team until he realised that
its geographical sphere of influence didn't stretch to dreamland. He also
considered enlisting the help of Tony 'WonderBoy' Blair. But Peter 
Mandelson uncovered the fact that Kirby had once dropped a glass of milk
and was thus a 'dangerous juvenille delinquent' and it would be bad PR
to help such a character.

But Kirby had hidden powers he could deploy to retrieve the stars.
He could suck monsters into his giant stomach where they were broken
down by a conctrated and highly toxic acid like substance (gateway cola).
He could then gob the congealed mass into the face of another creature,
killing them on impact. Sid Vicious had always been one of Kirby's role

Kirby was no ground based blubber. If he sucked in enough oxygen he
could fly in the air like.. like a breeze block in hurricane actually,
but it got him over obstacles. His studies of "Sharon Davies: Wet and 
Wild" had come to fruition and he could now swim like.. well a breeze
block in a whirlpool. But it got him through the water.

 Editions of "Kirby: My Life" by Andrew Morton are now available
 from all disreputable booksllers.


Getting his kit off to reveal the naked 68030 instructions,
its the full monty...
 "Mr Pink"

The man with his mind trapped in the sixties and his eyes firmly
fixed on cleavage, he still has the (Austin) powers to compose
the musical score...

The man we are all Wilde about, the champion of the bon mot, 
a guy who has been staring at pictures for his entire life,
our very own Dorian Grey...

He's one of the faces on the Burnley terrace, a dangerous psychopath
with the boyish good looks of Damon Albarn, his DSP coding is
all a bit of a Blur...

She's charming, she's dashing, she's extra-terristial bashing and
she has made contact with alien lifeforms through vast and complex
technology ( she chatted to some Swedish guys on IRC )...


"Well", as Barry Norman once wisely said. In fact, he said Well rather a
lot, usually a couple of hundred times an episode.

Admission is free!
That's right, zippo!
Kids, the game is on us! Just be careful out there.

So settle back with your popcorn and enter Kirby's Dreamland.


The menu screen can be controlled with keyboard or jagpad.
Use up and down to move and fire to select the option.


       S - Save Game
       L - Load Game
      F9 - Save screen as Degas .PI1
NumPad * - Exit GodBoy


| START       | Help        | Pause         |
| OPTION      | Undo        | Option        |
| BUTTON A    | Left Shift  | Fire A        |
| BUTTON B    | Alternate   | Fire B        |
| DIRECTIONS  | Cursor Keys | Direction Pad |


( We paid British Airway's design team $1bn for this, so enjoy it kids! )
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     \ | Est.  \   /    
      \| 1993   \ / 
 'Megamanus Est Flopus'


If you want to contact the Reservoir Gods about the following
matters, then use these handy email addresses:

benefit cheques
chris waddle

For those computer illeterate luddites who have no internet access
as they live in third world countries ( Wales ):

Leon O'Reilly. Cwm Isaf. Abermule. Welshpool. Powys. SY15 6JL. UK

We are also on the information cyberhighroad superway ([c] Tony Blair )

                                                      (c) 1997 Reservoir Gods
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