Doom [Falcon030] [TT030]

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Screenshots - Doom [Falcon030] [TT030]

Doom [Falcon030] [TT030] atari screenshot
Doom [Falcon030] [TT030] atari screenshot

Information - Doom [Falcon030] [TT030]

GenreShoot'em Up! - 3-DYear1996
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisher[no publisher]
ControlsKeyboard, Jagpad, MouseDistributor-
ResolutionVGA / RGBLicensed from-

Mandin, Patrice [Data]

Graphic Artist(s)

Cloud, Kevin / Carmack, Adrian

Game design

Petersen, Sandy / Romero, John
Green, Shawn

Box / InstructionsEnglish, French


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeTT, Falcon030 / ?
Dumpdownload atari Doom [Falcon030] [TT030] Download / Zip-packed folderNumber of Disks? / ? / HD Installable

Instructions - Doom [Falcon030] [TT030]

=================     ===============     ===============   ========  ========
\\ . . . . . . .\\   //. . . . . . .\\   //. . . . . . .\\  \\. . .\\// . . //
||. . ._____. . .|| ||. . ._____. . .|| ||. . ._____. . .|| || . . .\/ . . .||
|| . .||   ||. . || || . .||   ||. . || || . .||   ||. . || ||. . . . . . . ||
||. . ||   || . .|| ||. . ||   || . .|| ||. . ||   || . .|| || . | . . . . .||
|| . .||   ||. _-|| ||-_ .||   ||. . || || . .||   ||. _-|| ||-_.|\ . . . . ||
||. . ||   ||-'  || ||  `-||   || . .|| ||. . ||   ||-'  || ||  `|\_ . .|. .||
|| . _||   ||    || ||    ||   ||_ . || || . _||   ||    || ||   |\ `-_/| . ||
||_-' ||  .|/    || ||    \|.  || `-_|| ||_-' ||  .|/    || ||   | \  / |-_.||
||    ||_-'      || ||      `-_||    || ||    ||_-'      || ||   | \  / |  `||
||    `'         || ||         `'    || ||    `'         || ||   | \  / |   ||
||            .===' `===.         .==='.`===.         .===' /==. |  \/  |   ||
||         .=='   \_|-_ `===. .==='   _|_   `===. .===' _-|/   `==  \/  |   ||
||      .=='    _-'    `-_  `='    _-'   `-_    `='  _-'   `-_  /|  \/  |   ||
||   .=='    _-'          `-__\._-'         `-_./__-'         `' |. /|  |   ||
||.=='    _-'                                                     `' |  /==.||
=='    _-'                                                            \/   `==
\   _-'                                                                `-_   /
 `''                                                                      ``'
Ascii logo by Frans p. de Vries

-------------------- DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM !!!!!!!!! -------------------------

Version 0.40 of March 13, 1996

- Changes :
	Many bugs eradicated.
	Map display with transparency.
	Command line manager:
		-file MACHIN.WAD
			to use MACHIN.WAD (yes, it works!)
			To choose start level, type ExMy (DOOM/HERETIC)
			To choose start level, type MAPxy (DOOM 2/HEXEN)

- Whatisit :

	Hello everybody, in the serie "Few games on Falcon, we make them
ourselves" : DOOM. I hear you cry, others saying "once again ?". OK, but
this one is not too bad for a fully textured 3D environment.

- The WAD :

	DOOM1.WAD	: Shareware DOOM version
	DOOM.WAD	: Registered DOOM version
	DOOM2.WAD	: Commercial DOOM 2 version

- The executables :
	doom0dsp	: 320x200 version (VGA and RVB)
	doom1dsp	: 160x100 version (RVB only (double-line mode))
				-> It works in VGA but only half the screen

- Keyboard :
	ESC		: to quit
	Tab		: map display  on/off

	Cursor PAD	: move,turn (Dungeon Master-like)
	Shift		: fast move
	Numeric pad
	+ and -		: change screen size
	( and )		: change view height
	*		: "gamma correction"
	7 and 9		: map zoom in/out
- Mouse :
	Alternate	: strafe
	left button	: move forward
	right button	: move backward
	left/right	: turn
	up/down		: to look up/down

- Little technical word :

	- The more you have memory, the less it will disk-swap.
	- You cas cross the walls : no test collision yet.
	- The displayed number is the number of VBLs necessary for the maths :
the lower it is, the smoothest display is.

- Spreading :

	This is freeware (the programs, not the WAD). It is spreadable
wherever you want. The WAD is from the shareware version of DOOM
( I think I won't have copyright problems...).

- Conclusion :

	DOOM on Falcon can be made, if someone take the time to do it.
	I would like to know if others people are interested, we could
work together. (I have no Internet access, sorry: you must write a
"physical" letter).

	Patrice MANDIN		(DATA from TRIO)
	19 Rue des astiers

The swapping routine is from a fiend of mine, contact him (he has a DUT info
and is searching job (in computers of course)).

	Xavier JOUBERT		(XAZ)
	36 Chemin des Rouches
	85300 SOULLANS	

You can write us in french, english or german. Write us if you would like to
play DOOM on your Falcon.

		et	Xavier JOUBERT (XAZ)

Trivia - Doom [Falcon030] [TT030]

Conversion - Atari Jaguar

Doom [Falcon030] [TT030] Trivia
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