Computer Corridor

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Computer Corridor atari screenshot

Information - Computer Corridor

GenreShoot'em Up! - MiscellaneousYear1983
ControlsJoystickPublisherM Network / Mattel Electronics

Terjung, Jane / Surratt, Ron

Medium Cartridge

Additional Comments - Computer Corridor

Originally planned for a 1983 release, according to a 1983 press kit catalog. The game was shown at the Winter 1983 CES and described as: 'It's up to you to defend the entire human race against an interplanetary missile barrage. It's controlled by hostile computers located throughout the galaxy. And computers almost never make a mistake! A game of quick wits and lightning reflexes. (One player)' and 'You are captain of a star ship entering unknown planets filled with hostile computer units. Score points by attacking the computer force and hitting the computer units. Your mission is complete when the full quadrant of planets is free of the computer force. Monitor your fuel supply, shield strength and phaser power. Use radar to locate units. Add fuel by finding the computer friendlies. 3-dimensional graphics. Scrolling grid. 1 player game.' The game started out as an original concept by Ron Surratt and Jane Terjung called Computer Revenge. At the same time, Spring 1983, Russ Ludwick was working on an Intellivision game called Moon Corridors, inspired by the arcade game Battlezone. In mid-1983, marketing began an agressive campaign to release titles on as many different game platforms as possible. Noting similarities between Computer Revenge and Moon Corridors (mainly a 3-D grid effect), they decreed that the two games should be mooshed into one - Computer Corridor - and released on both Intellivision and the Atari 2600. By the time they tested and approved the idea, though, Ludwick was no longer working at Mattel Electronics and no one else was available to pick up the Intellivision version. A couple of months later Terjung also left Mattel, killing the project altogether.

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