Alien Blast

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Comments (7)
Sut - 26/03/2022
Very promising game, good atmosphere and well designed stages (well the ones I could play before it crashes). Could do with a little more speed and intensity but still a good time.
Matthieu - 04/03/2019

I search all my archive, it seems that I have lost source from level 5...



Thanks for searching :)

Petari - 11/08/2018
Small error in ZIP - in DIR FLAT lev04 and 05 are same file - 100% same binary. Files LEVEL04.PRG and LEVEL05.PRG .

This is an official and original dump from the author, so can't unfortunately do anything about it :(

AtariCrypt - 28/01/2018
this is huge!!
thank you Matthieu :)
marakatti - 27/01/2018
Huge thanks :) !
Matthieu - 27/01/2018
You can find the full version with also all independant levels here :

Steve - 04/06/2016
crashes on level 3 and I'd looooove to see this adapted for hard drive (and fixed of course). I wonder if the original disks are out there?

Screenshots - Alien Blast

Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot
Alien Blast atari screenshot

Information - Alien Blast

GenreShoot'em Up! - Multi-DirectionalYear1996
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisher[no publisher]
Players1, 2 (sim.)DeveloperEpileptical
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Isorez, Matthieu

Graphic Artist(s)

Wunschel, François

Game design

Wunschel, François / Isorez, Matthieu

Box / Instructions

Gobard, Romain Moreau

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeSTe Only, Falcon030 / 1MB
Dumpdownload atari Alien Blast Download / Zip-packed folderNumber of Disks? / ?

Additional Comments - Alien Blast

See P. Putnik's site for adapted versions for hardware like HxC Floppy Emulator, Atari harddisk, TT, Falcon030 and more: The Atari ST Game Archive

Instructions - Alien Blast

(Instructions are taken from the demoversion)


Action game (or adventure) for ATARI STe & Falcon! Screen is displayed
top view with hardscroll in the 8 directions, total freedom, from
move in level, possibility to play ... two, aliens almost
intelligent, ...

The story:

It all started when the Galactic High Command received no more
news from Falcon Station 030, and learned through their network of
information that three of the thermonuclear missiles had been armed on
Earth. It is then that you, poor astral pilgrim, who have as alone
wrong to go around in the corner sipping a pan galactic gut windings you
you see an increase in Earth's conservation ... You are trying to approach
from the base, and you land in Hangar 3, which, given your, tat after
the evening of yesterday is already not so bad. That's when your
adventure, because quickly you realize that you would have done better
stay napping under a bar table that you have left,; indeed the
aliens have become the only inhabitants of the station, any other human species,
biomechanics or robotics have been exterminated. So you need now
cross the hangars, warehouses and aircrafts, leading to the
human complex and finally to engage self-destruction, thus spewing the
alien race into another world, and saving the earth from its destruction.

The game:

The game itself is quite banal, you move your player into the
direction you want, using your weapons as needed to
net place. The goal, both to carry out a mission for each of the 12 levels
(destruction of generators, repair, activation / deactivation
switches, ...). Each door requires a magnetic card (the
total number is indicated, at the bottom of the screen), an open door does not close
more. The resistance and rapidity of the aliens increase as and when
levels. On your way you will find a bonus package that you
will allow you to restore your health, (lives and ammunition are indicated on
the edges of the screen, the correspondence is indicated, at the bottom of the screen: LIFE
and AMMO, at the top you are at the maximun and at the bottom it indicates that you are not going
do not wait ... have serious problems), to recover magnetic cards,
or money. And yes here too money makes its law ...


Because your credits have to serve ... something, and the computers
are there ... to satiate ... your desires. We connect to it by placing ourselves
in front of (they look like ... computers, precisely, and they are
three big, notches.) and pressing space. Let's see what is there
  * Info - Provides information about the current mission.
  * Assignment - Shows you your goals.
  * Option - Not used in the demo version (no music, no
                passwords), can give money ... his partner.
  * Weapons - To renew its stock of carnage special items.
  * Store - All bonuses found elsewhere but paying this
                time, ... note that there is a map of the level.
  * Exit - Exit the NOVAX Network.

Vid, from all your credits the action resumes you can select each weapon
purchased by pressing F1-F4 for Player 1 and F7-F10 for Player 2.
Activate the map by pressing 'M' ... any time of the game
(only for those who have had the rich idea to buy it).

The Blowers:

You have to be very careful because you lose it very quickly, you can
disable by destroying their controller which is in the form of a
small red screen located somewhere in the level.

Self-criticism (that is, what's going to be objective ...):

The game, although working perfectly on STe, will be very much
more pleasant on Falcon where it turns in 2 Vbl, whatever the map (s)
acceleration (s), the resolution (RGB / VGA), you will tell me that there is something that
bell ... I answer you no, but to avoid the little shots of
slowdown and compatibility, with the scroll 2 part 2 on STe, we have
prefer to make sure that it stays in 2 Vbl all the time. On STe, it's
slower: 3 Vbl in normal time, with some spikes ... 4 (... hardly
perceptible, I assure you!). Putting together these technical details, the
maneuverability, is good, it happens that we can pass on some decorations
(barrel among others) but it is to simulate the fact that you can
to climb on it ... (Of course, it is to allow access ...
some places and be able to pass in the passages, troits). Finally, the
reaction of the aliens is sometimes a little weird, but is not that in
their nature?

In conclusion an enjoyable game that brings together a good dose of deflection, a 
pinch of reflection, a hint of skill, and a maxim of pleasure to break from
the alien (believe me on word, since the time that I play!). It is still
better ... two, and even better on Falcon.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or criticisms, you can help us
, Write. For example to tell us if putting a scroll of 4 by 4
on STe would have been a good thing (we are studying the question ...).

Good fun...

                             The authors: Matthieu ISOREZ
                                          Francois WUNSCHEL 

Trivia - Alien Blast

Inspired by Team 17's Amiga game Alien Breed.

Features digitized title soundtrack at 25KHz (stereo)
Features digitized sound fx at 12.5KHz (stereo)

Supports STe DMA sound
Supports STe palette
Supports STe hardware scrolling

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