Pools Predictor

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Pools Predictor atari screenshot
Pools Predictor atari screenshot

Information - Pools Predictor

GenreHandicapping / Sports AidYear1992
LanguageCompiled CPublisher[no publisher]
ControlsMouseCountryUnited Kingdom
Box / InstructionsEnglishSoftwareEnglish

Newbery, Paul

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
SerialST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
ResolutionHighNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided
Dumpdownload atari Pools Predictor Download / STMIDI

Instructions - Pools Predictor

                       POOLS PREDICTOR FOR THE ATARI ST.
                         Version 1.04  -  February 1992
                            Author : Paul J. Newbery
                            Placed in Public Domain
            ********************** IMPORTANT **********************
            ***                                                 ***
            ***     This program works in MONO (Hires) only     ***
            ***                                                 ***
     This  program has  been placed  in public domain  and as  such you are
     entitled to do with it what you will.
     However,  the distribution of this program  must be accompanied by the
     following files :
          POOLSPRD.PRG -      The  program,  hard to  distribute  a working
                              copy without this !!
          POOLSPRD.RSC -      The resource file.
          POOLSPRD.TXT -      This text file.
     This  program may have been  supplied with another file, POOLSPRD.DAT,
     which  originally  contained  the  1991/92  football  league  data  as
     25/2/92.    If not  present, don't  worry,  the program  will function
     correctly without this file.
     Enhancements from V1.03
     For  those of  you who have  seen /  used V1.03, this  version has the
     following enhancements :-
     i)     Allow  results analysis if any games  entered (used to be if at
           least 20 games entered).
     ii)    Bug  Corrected - team preselection  on enter games dialogue was
           duplicated  in  not enough  teams  were left  to  fill selection
     iii)   Bug  Corrected -  loading customize data  used to  reset no. of
           teams in each division.
     iv)    Bug  Corrected -  results analysis  did not  handle pools panel
           results correctly.
     v)     When  calculating performance points  for a team,  if less than
           the  number  of  games entered,  use  an average  value  for the
           remainder of games.
     vi)    Use   GEM  sliding  windows  for  division,  games  and  result
           prediction displays.
     vii)   Bug Corrected - team sort routine did not sort completely.
     viii)  Bug   Corrected  -  addressing  error  when  searching  for  an
           nonexistent team.
     ix)    Customize prediction factors made into a single dialogue box.
     x)     Floating  point  numbers  used  to  increase  accuracy  on team
           performance points.

     xi)    Printer  Setup dialogue  box added,  strings stored  as part of
           customize data.
     xii)   Display  actual total number of score draws, homes and aways in
           analyse results dialogue box.
     xiii)  Percentage complete box added for loading and saving files.
     1.   GENERAL
          This  program can be used to try  and win a fortune on the pools.
          However,  this is not  just a pools predictor  program and can be
          used to maintain any league structure.
          So  if you want to be rich  or you run your own league (football,
          rugby,  hockey, basketball etc..) then  this program could be for
          you !
          As  with all  prediction programs, the  more data  the better the
          results.   So,  admittedly tedious,  you are advised to enter all
          league and cup games, mid-week included, to get the best results.
          I know there are other pools predictors around, but I found their
          methods in predicting the results very limiting.  In this program
          the  factors used  to predict the  most likely  score draws, home
          wins  and away wins  can be altered  by the user,  there are more
          than  one million different combinations for  each !!!  So if you
          hit the best combination, you may beat the system.
          Happy punting !
     2.   CAPACITY
          This  program can  be used  to maintain a  league with  up to ten
          divisions,  the number of teams is  limited only by memory, as is
          the number of games.  However as each team can only play one game
          at  one time then the maximum number of games that can be entered
          is one half the number of teams.
          More  than one league can be maintained by having data files with
          different  filenames or by running  this program from a different
          This  program is run from the desktop by 'double clicking' on the
          program file, POOLSPRD.PRG.
          Before  running a sub-directory  from the directory  in which the
          program  resides should  be created  and called  'GAMES', in this
          directory the data for all the games entered will be stored.
          On  running up the  program looks for two  filenames, in the same
          directory as the program :
          POOLSPRD.DAT -     The  file  containing  data  to  generate  the
                         league  tables, if this file does not exist then a
                         warning will be generated and no data is loaded.
          POOLSPRD.CUS -     The customize data for this program, i.e names
                         of divisions, prediction factors and printer setup
                         strings.    If this  file  does not  exist  then a
                         warning  is given  and defaults  (football league,
                         EPSON compatible printer) are used.
          After  loading these files then the initial dialogue box is shown
          giving  my name and the current version,  1.04.  Click on 'OK' or
          press return to remove this box.
          The following text will go through each of the menu items in turn
          describing the function it performs.
     4.   DESK MENU
          Selecting Pools Predictor displays the initial dialogue box.
     5.   FILE MENU
     5.1   LOAD TEAM  DATA - This option  allows you to  load the team data
                         from disk, using the file selector.
                         The  default  filename  is the  last  one  used or
                         'POOLSPRD.DAT', the default file is expected to be
                         in the same directory as the program.  The data is
                         loaded  on start-up so this option is not required
                         on  starting the program as  long as your data has
                         the default filename.
                         On  loading new data a warning is given if the old
                         data, about to be overwritten, has changed and not
                         been saved to disk.
     5.2   SAVE TEAM DATA - This option allows you to save the team data to
                         disk,  using the file selector  and is disabled if
                         no teams have been entered.
                         The name given as the default filename is the last
                         one  used or 'POOLSPRD.DAT' if  no data was loaded
                         from disk.
     5.3  LOAD GAME DATA - This option loads the game data from disk, using
                         the file selector.
                         The  default  filename  is the  last  one  used or
                         'POddmmyyy.GAM'  where  dd,  mm,  and  yy  are the
                         current  day, month and year (at least they are if
                         your  internal clock is correct  !!).  The default
                         file  is expected to be  in a sub-directory of the
                         one in which the program is in called 'GAMES'.  It
                         is  advised that the  day, month and  year part of
                         the filename are set to the day on which the games
                         are  to be played, this date is used when printing
                         the games.
                         On loading new games a warning is given if the old
                         games,  about to be overwritten, have been changed
                         and not saved to disk.
     5.4   SAVE GAME DATA - This option allows you to save the game data to
                         disk,  using the  file selector  and will  only be
                         enabled if at least one game has been entered.
                         The  default  filename  is the  last  one  used or
                         'POddmmyy.GAM'  in the  'GAMES' sub-directory (see
                         LOAD GAME DATA for details of the filename).
     5.5  LOAD CUSTOMIZE DATA - This option allows you to load a customized
                         data file from disk, using the file selector.
                         The  default  filename  is the  last  one  used or
                         'POOLSPRD.CUS'  and is expected to  be in the same
                         directory  as the program.  The customized data is
                         loaded  on start-up so this option is not required
                         on  starting the program as long as your customize
                         data has the default filename.
                         On  loading new data a warning is given if the old
                         customized  data,  about  to  be  overwritten, has
                         changed and not been saved to disk.
                         The  customize data file contains the names of all
                         the  divisions, the factors used in predicting the
                         home   wins,  away  wins   and  score  draws  (see
                         CUSTOMIZE  option under DATA MENU) and the printer
                         setup  strings  (see  PRINTER  SETUP  option under
                         PRINTER MENU).
     5.6  SAVE CUSTOMIZE DATA -This option allows you to save the customize
                         data  to  disk,  using  the  file  selector.   The
                         default   filename  is   the  last   one  used  or
                         'POOLSPRD.CUS',  and  will  be saved  in  the same
                         directory as the program.
     6.   DATA MENU
     6.1   EDIT TEAM DATA - This option allows you to edit the data on each
                         team or enter new team data.
                         On  taking  this option  you  are asked  to 'Enter
                         Start  Team Name:', press return to edit the first
                         team, or enter the name or part of the name of the
                         team  you wish  to edit.   On  pressing return, or
                         clicking  on 'OK', a form  entry page is displayed
                         allowing  you to edit all  the data stored about a
                         team.  Most of the data is self-explanatory.
                         It should be noted that when editing team data the
                         teams   are   arranged  in   division   order  and
                         alphabetically within each division.
                         The  codes used for  the last ten  games played at
                         home or away are :-
                             W     -     Win
                             S     -     Score Draw e.g. 1-1, 2-2 etc
                             D     -     No Score Draw i.e. 0-0
                             L     -     Loss
                         The  entry  for points  deducted will  normally be
                         zero  but is included for  when a league committee
                         imposes point penalties on teams e.g. for fielding
                         illegal players or for violence.
                         The  exit buttons are  on the bottom  of the form,
                         their meanings are as follows :-
                              Cancel    -    Any changes made to this teams
                                             data  are  discarded  and  the
                                             program  returns  to  the menu
                              Delete    -    Delete  this  team,  the  form
                                             entry  selects the  next team,
                                             if none then the previous team
                                             is selected.
                              Previous  -    Any changes made to this teams
                                             data  are stored  and the form
                                             entry   selects  the  previous
                              Next      -    Any changes made to this teams
                                             data  are stored  and the form
                                             entry selects the next team.
                              OK        -    Any changes made to this teams
                                             data   are   stored   and  the
                                             program  returns  to  the menu
                         The default exit button changes depending on which
                         team  you are editing, if you are editing the last
                         team   then  the  'OK'   button  is  the  default,
                         otherwise the 'NEXT' button is the default.
                         To  add  new  teams simply  select  the  last team
                         currently  entered and click on the 'NEXT' button,
                         a  blank form will  be presented on  which the new
                         teams data should be entered.
     6.2   CLEAR TEAM DATA - This option deletes all the teams i.e. you are
                         left  with zero teams, ready to enter new data and
                         is  only  enabled if  at least  one team  has been
                         A  warning  is given  asking  you to  confirm your
                         selection before all the teams are deleted.
     6.3  ENTER GAMES -  This  option allows you  to edit the  data on each
                         game or enter new game data and is only enabled if
                         at least two teams have been entered.
                         On  taking  this option  you  are asked  to 'Enter
                         Start  Game Number:',  press return  to edit/enter
                         the  first game, or  enter the number  of the game
                         you  wish to edit.   If an  illegal game number is
                         entered  then  editing will  begin with  the first
                         game.   On  pressing return, or  clicking on 'OK',
                         the  game entry form is  displayed allowing you to
                         enter/edit game data.
                         Each  game must be  designated as a  league or cup
                         game.  In a league game the points from the result
                         are  used in constructing the  league tables, in a
                         cup  game  then the  result  is only  used  in the
                         previous home or away results.
                         The  home and away teams  can be selected from the
                         teams  displayed, the teams  are shown in division
                         order and alphabetically within each division.  To
                         display  the  rest of  the teams  the up  and down
                         arrows  should be used, the  arrows move the teams
                         up  and down one page and  the 'v's move the teams
                         up and down one position.
                         When a team has already been entered for a game it
                         is  not displayed  in the selectors  for any other
                         The  exit buttons are  on the bottom  of the form,
                         their  meanings are similar to those at the bottom
                         of the team edit form and are as follows :-
                              Cancel    -    Any  changes made to this game
                                             are  discarded and the program
                                             returns to the menu bar.
                              Delete    -    Delete  this  game,  the  form
                                             entry  selects the  next game,
                                             if  there  is  none  then  the
                                             previous game is selected.
                              Previous  -    Any  changes made to this game
                                             are  stored and the form entry
                                             selects the previous game.
                              Next      -    Any  changes made to this game
                                             are  stored and the form entry
                                             selects the next game.
                              OK        -    Any  changes made to this game
                                             are  stored  and  the  program
                                             returns to the menu bar.
                         The default exit button changes depending on which
                         game  you are editing, if  there are no more teams
                         to  enter into games  then  the 'OK' button is the
                         default,   otherwise  the  'NEXT'  button  is  the
                         To  construct  games with  non-consecutive numbers
                         enter the first group of consecutive games, return
                         to  the  menu  bar (click  on  'OK'),  chose 'EDIT
                         GAMES'  again and  start from the  first number in
                         the  next group of games.  Continue entering games
                         in this manner until all the games to be played on
                         a particular date have been entered.
     6.4   DISPLAY GAMES - This option  displays all the games entered in a
                         window  on the screen and  is only enabled when at
                         least one game has been entered and less than four
                         windows are open.
                         The   display  of  each   game  may  take  several
                         different formats which may be as follows :
                              A   v   B -    Game has not been played yet
                              A  x-y  B -    Game  has been played  A had x
                                             points/goals,    B    had    y
                              A  P-P  B -    Game postponed, no pools panel
                              A Ab-Ab B -    Game abandoned, no pools panel
                              A  H-H  B -    Game  postponed  or abandoned,
                                             pools panel result home win.
                              A  A-A  B -    Game  postponed  or abandoned,
                                             pools panel result away win.
                              A  S-S  B -    Game  postponed  or abandoned,
                                             pools panel result score draw.
                              A  D-D  B -    Game  postponed  or abandoned,
                                             pools  panel  result  no score
     6.5  CLEAR GAMES -  This option deletes all entered games i.e. you are
                         left  with no games, ready  to enter new data, and
                         is  only  enabled if  at least  one game  has been
                         A  warning  is given  asking  you to  confirm your
                         selection before all the games are deleted.
     6.6  CUSTOMIZE -    This  option allows one  to customize the division
                         names   and  information  along   with  the  pools
                         prediction factors.
                         Two  form entry pages are  shown, the first allows
                         the names of the divisions and all the information
                         about  each division  to be entered.   The entries
                         for  number of teams to promote, relegate and play
                         off  determine where the lines  are drawn when one
                         displays/prints  a league table  (set the relevant
                         entry  to zero to inhibit  the drawing of a line).
                         The  other entries  for win, draw  and loss points
                         are  used when calculating the  number of points a
                         team has and hence its position in the table.
                         On  each  of these  forms  the return  button will
                         enter  the data  you have entered  and cancel will
                         disregard  the entered data before moving onto the
                         next form.
                         The  second  form  contains  the  pools prediction
                         factors for score draws, home wins and away wins.
                         When  predicting a result  this program calculates
                         the  previous 'form' points for  the home and away
                         teams, these points are then used to determine the
                         result.   If the  home and away  teams' points are
                         equal  then a draw is  assumed, if the home team's
                         points  are much greater than the away team's then
                         a home win is predicted and if the away team's are
                         much  greater than the home  team's an away win is
                         These  form  points  are  shown  in  brackets when
                         displaying  the games using the 'Predict....' menu
                         selections  in  the  'RESULTS'  menu  (see section
                         These   prediction   factors  determine   how  the
                         previous 'form' points are calculated and are used
                         as follows :
                         Number of Last Results to use - this indicates the
                                   number  of last home and away results to
                                   use  for the calculation.   E.g. if this
                                   number  is 8  the last 8  home games are
                                   used  for the  home team and  the last 8
                                   away games for the away team.
                                   This  number can  only be  between 1 and
                                   10, only the last 10 results are stored.
                         Points  for Last Results  - these values determine
                                   the number of 'form' points to award for
                                   the  results of  previous games  and may
                                   take a number between 0 and 9.
                                   For   example  if  the  number  of  last
                                   results  to use is 5  and the points for
                                   last  results are 5,  3, 2, and  0 for a
                                   win,  score draw, no score draw and lose
                                   respectively, if the last 5 home results
                                   of  a team is WSDLW  then it's number of
                                   form points will be 15 (5+3+2+0+5).
                         Last  Result Weighting - this indicates whether to
                                   put  more  emphasis on  the  most recent
                                   previous  result.  If  this is 100% then
                                   all   the   last  results   are  treated
                                   equally.   If  set to 50%  then the last
                                   but  one result  is only  taken 50% into
                                   account,  the last but two only 25% (50%
                                   x 50%) etc.
                                   For example, taking our previous example
                                   of last 5 results of WSDLW and  taking a
                                   last  result weighting of 50% the number
                                   of  form  points  would  be  7 (actually
                                   Calculated from :-
                                   *50%*50%*50%*50%) ).
                                   Or, for any mathematicians amongst you :
                                   5  +  3*50%  + 2*(50%^2)  +  0*(50%^3) +
                         Other  Last  Results Inclusion  -  this percentage
                                   figure  indicates whether to include the
                                   teams  most recent away results when the
                                   team  is  playing a  home game  and vice
                                   versa.    If set  to  0% then  the other
                                   results  are not taken  into account and
                                   if  set to  100% then  the other results
                                   have   an  equal  rating   as  the  same
                                   location results.
                                   Note  setting this  factor to  any value
                                   other  than  zero will  utilize  all the
                                   previously  mentioned  factors  for  the
                                   other   results  as  well  as  the  same
                                   location results.
                                   For   example,  a  team's  last  5  home
                                   results  were  WSDLW  and  away  results
                                   SSDLL,   then   taking  a   last  result
                                   weighting  of  100%  and  all  the other
                                   prediction  factors as  used in previous
                                   examples  the number of home form points
                                   would  be 15 and the number of away form
                                   points  would be  8.   Now if  the other
                                   last  results inclusion was 50% then the
                                   teams  total form points would be 19 (15
                                   + 8*50%).
                         Percentage   Weighting  Across  Divisions  -  this
                                   factor  is  used to  compensate  for cup
                                   games  when one team  might be playing a
                                   team  in  another  division.    The form
                                   points in the lower division are reduced
                                   by this percentage value.
                                   For   example,   a  team   in   the  1st
                                   division's  form  points were  15  and a
                                   team  in the 3rd  division's form points
                                   were  23,  if  the  percentage weighting
                                   across  divisions was  60% then  the 3rd
                                   division  team's  form  points  would be
                                   reduced  to 8 (actually 8.28, 23 * 60% *
                                   60%).  Note the 60% is used twice as the
                                   teams  are two  divisions apart,  if the
                                   second team was in the 2nd division then
                                   it's  points would only be reduced to 13
                                   (actually 13.8, 23 * 60%).
                         The  initial values set in these prediction factor
                         forms  were 10, 5, 3, 2,  0, 100%, 25% and 75% (in
                         descending order), these were found to give fairly
                         consistent predictions for score draws, although I
                         am sure they could be optimized !!
                         The same factors were given for ten homes and five
                         aways  predictions, no analysis of the predictions
                         achieved  for these  categories   has been carried
                         out to indicate if improvements could be made.
     6.7  NEW SEASON -   This  option clears all the league tables to zero,
                         i.e.  no games  played and  should be  used at the
                         start of a new season.
                         Only  the last results are retained for use in the
                         pools  predictions  for  the  start  of  the  next
                         A  warning  is given  asking  you to  confirm your
                         selection before all the tables are cleared.
     6.8  STATUS -       This option displays the number of teams and games
                         loaded  along  with the  number  of teams  in each
     7.   TABLES MENU
          This  menu shows all ten divisions with their names as entered in
          the  'CUSTOMIZE' form  entry pages.   Any divisions  that have no
          teams  in them are disabled so cannot be selected, the menu items
          are also disabled if four windows are already open.  Selection of
          any  other division will  display the table in  a window with the
          teams  arranged  in league  order,  i.e. sorted  by  points, goal
          difference, then goals scored and finally alphabetically.
          To  remove the table from the  screen close the GEM window, click
          on the top left close window icon.
     8.   RESULTS MENU
     8.1   ENTER RESULTS  - This menu  option is enabled  when at least one
                         game  has been  entered, and enables  one to enter
                         the results of the games.
                         On  selecting  this option  one  is asked  for the
                         start  game  number,  this  will  normally  be the
                         default,  1.  If  changing results already entered
                         then  it will  be advisable  to start  at the game
                         that requires changing.
                         After  pressing return,  or clicking  on 'OK', for
                         the  start  game number,  a  dialogue box  will be
                         generated  displaying the  names of  the teams and
                         allowing the input of the result.
                         The non-exit selectable boxes on this form are for
                         use  if  the game  is  not played,  'Postponed' or
                         'Abandoned'  will ignore any result entered above.
                         If  the result  was predicted  by the  pools panel
                         then this should also be indicated by clicking the
                         appropriate box, the pools panel result is ignored
                         if the game was played.
                         The  four exit boxes  'Cancel', 'Previous', 'Next'
                         and 'OK' are self-explanatory.
                         After entering the last result for all the games a
                         separate  dialogue box will  appear asking whether
                         the  data should be processed.  Clicking on 'Yes',
                         or  pressing  return, will  enter all  the results
                         into   the  teams  data   and  adjust  the  league
                         positions  accordingly.   However, when  this data
                         has  been processed the predictions will change as
                         these games will be taken as the last ones played,
                         if  any  further  analysis  of  how  accurate  the
                         predictions were is to be undertaken then the 'No'
                         box should be selected.
     8.2  PROCESS RESULTS - The menu option is enabled when all the results
                         have been entered but not processed yet, or if the
                         games   have   been  processed   and  subsequently
                         modified.    See  the previous  paragraph  for the
                         details  on the action the  program carries out in
                         processing results.
     8.3    ANALYSE RESULTS  - This  menu  option is  enabled when  all the
                         results   have  been  entered.    This  should  be
                         selected  when all  the results  have been entered
                         and NOT processed.
                         A  dialogue box is displayed showing various items
                         predicted  and  the actual  number  achieved along
                         with  the number actual  numbers.  In  the case of
                         score  draws  the  number  of  actual  score draws
                         achieved and maximum points obtained are displayed
                         for selections of 8 from 10 to 8 from 16.
                         This  dialogue  box  gives  an  indication  of how
                         accurate  the pools predictions were and gives the
                         opportunity  to optimize the prediction factors by
                         changing them and re-displaying this dialogue box.
                         These  menu options  displays,  in order, the most
                         likely  games for each  of these categories (using
                         the prediction factors supplied).
                         This menu option should be using when filling in a
                         pools  coupon  for the  games to  be played.   The
                         numbers  shown  in  brackets  next  to  the  teams
                         indicate  the number  of 'form'  points awarded to
                         each  team,  thereby  indicating  how  the program
                         arrived at these predictions.
                         These  menu options  are only  available when some
                         games have been entered.
     9.   PRINTER MENU

     9.1  PRINT TABLES -     This  prints all  the league  tables using the
                         formats set in the Printer Setup dialogue box, see
     9.2  PRINT GAMES -  This  menu  option  prints all  the  games entered
                         using   the  formats  set  in  the  Printer  Setup
                         dialogue box, see 9.3.
     9.3  PRINTER SETUP -    This  menu options  allows one  to set  up the
                         printer formats used in the print tables and print
                         games options.
                         Print Tables -
                              Init.  String   -  the  first string  that is
                              printed when print tables option is chosen.
                              Heading  - the string printed after the init.
                              Sub-Heading - the string printed at the start
                              of each division table.
                              End  String    -  the  final  string  that is
                              printed when print tables option is chosen.
                         Print Games -
                              Init.  String   -  the  first string  that is
                              printed when print games option is chosen.
                              Heading  - the string printed after the init.
                              Sub-Heading - the string printed at the start
                              of each group of games, cup or division.
                              End  String    -  the  final  string  that is
                              printed when print games option is chosen.
                         The   '\'   character  is   used  to   indicate  a
                         hexidecimal number or special code. I.E.
                         \n  or  \nn -  print  hexidecimal number  (max two
                              digits)  where n =  0-9, A-F.   The number is
                              assumed  to  be  two digits  long  unless the
                              second  digit is invalid in  which case it is
                              considered  a  single  digit.    This  allows
                              escape codes to be sent to the printer.
                         \g  -  prints  current  date  e.g.  25th  Feb 1992
                              (assuming your ST's internal clock is correct
                         \h - prints date part of current games filename as
                              ddth  MONTH YYYY (see section 5.3 for details
                              of games filename).
                         \i - prints current division name or cup game.
                         \\ - prints \.
                         If  \ is followed by  an invalid special code then
                         the \ is ignored.
          I  hope, in the near future to add the following features to this
          a)     Support for medium resolution.
          b)     Downloading  of  games  results  from  teletext  using the
          Microtext adapter.
          c)     Exporting   of   various  predictions   factors   and  the
          corresponding actual results for spreadsheet analysis.
          d)     Add  a self-tuning  option for  the prediction  factors to
          enhance performance.
          Firstly, to my wife for being patient in waiting for this program
          to win a million !!
          This  program was written  in Lattice C V5,  thanks to Hisoft for
          such a quality product.
          The  resource file was  created using K-Resource,  thanks to Kuma
          All trademarks are acknowledged.
          Finally, if you have any suggestions to improve this program, any
          extra  features you would like,  or just to let  me know that you
          have won a million (or not) then please drop me a line.
                                  Paul Newbery
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