This game, modeled after the successful Dungeonquest series, is the first in their Starquest series. It is a science fiction game where you, the hero, attempt to rescue 10 humans held captive in a pyramid shaped Tollah moonbase. Armed with a blaster and a powerpack supplying your laser, shield and bionic gear, you attempt to find the humans and teleport them back to your base ship. The moonbase floors are connected by graveshafts and each floor and room has enemy Tollahs, monsters and sentry robots who consider you the enemy. The user has 60 minutes to complete the mission.

All commands are entered by keyboard as single letter commands (i.e., B =Blast, S =Shields, etc.) A quick reference card is supplied. Since Rescue at Rigel was the first of the EPYX games on Atari, it has very poor graphics. Nonetheless, it is a challenging game even on the easiest level, and enjoyable to play.

Overall rating : C+ Controllability:C+Error handling:A
Game concept :BSkill involved: CDocumentation:B
Creativity:B-Challenge:B-Holds interest ?:B
Game depth :C+Graphics:DValue for money:C+