Cool Landscapes After the landscape is generated, press B and enter any of these codes.
62997503 -- Injun Joe's Hideout - Desert OUCH -- King of the Hill - Forest BEN -- Two sides of the ocean - Hell 24833916 -- Flat and featureless - Hell TISSOGDRIT -- Flat w/evenly spaced statues - Alien WILTON -- Flat w/evenly spaced snowmen - Arctic MYSTEE -- Flat w/trees - Forest 731931229 -- Long bridge - Ice 99289 -- Long bridge - Forest HOPELESS -- Long bridge - Forest BADRAN -- Long bridge - Desert SEAGULL -- Long bridge - Candy 02180719 -- Big columns, bottomless - Arctic 02182719 -- Big columns, bottomless - Hell 02184719 -- Big columns, bottomless - Beach 02186719 -- Big columns, bottomless - Junkyard 02188719 -- Big columns, bottomless - Arctic 7373888390 -- Big columns - Hell 8131166523 -- Short columns - Beach 02183719 -- Big dome - Forest 02185719 -- Big bowl - Alien 02187719 -- Slope/dome - Arctic 02189719 -- Slope/dome - Beach 70345 -- Shallow slope w/bars - Candy 7007230 -- Big slope - Arctic 416241 -- Caverns of Viet Nam - Forest LOSE -- Outcrop at sea - Martian 66888 -- Tiny outcrop at sea - Junkyard 980351 -- Pedestal at sea - Alien HIDEYHOLE -- Bigger pedestal at sea - Forest 75912494 -- Yet another pedestal at sea - Forest 98620 -- Caverns of Mars - Martian TRIFECTA -- Underground maze - Hell CLITO -- Underground maze II - Hell 8878942 -- Trash heap at sea - Junkyard 3333333333 -- Bridge and land bridge - Forest