ZZYORXX II : (final name) ZZYORXX I was the first project (the first sreenshoots) of this shoot'em up, canceled after we've saw RAIDEN II...
- violent shoot'em up like RAIDEN II. - 5 vertical levels. - 256 colors. - screen size : 384x240 pixels. - left and right scroll : 576 pixels wide. - 2 parallax scrollings by the GPU. - shading, zoom, rotation. - up to 70 sprites per screen by Object Processor and the Blitter. - 4 music tracks and 2 sound tracks routines by the DSP. - running in 1 VBL (60 fr/s) ! - one or two players at the same time. - scores and game settings saved into cartridge.
Preview availibility : JUNE CES (we hope !) Master code availibility : end of AUGUST Commercial availibility : NOVEMBER / DECEMBER |
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