Oh well,
this is a very average and in my opinion quite boring game. One may treat it as an extremely simple version of Lemmings, given that you have to guide some animals (here: sheep, not lemmings) to the exit.
The boring things about this game are a) these animals try not to do suicide and there are absolutely no traps in the game, so you have plenty of time to finish a level. Next or b) you have only three "powers" you can select for the robot, these are fly, dig and tunnel and thats it (boring isn`t it). Last not least c) the levels are all very similar, the tunnel layouts differ, but since there is nothing (no objects, etc.) inside the tunnels, you get the feeling that they are all the same.
So, playing one or two levels of the game might be okay, but there is no motivation to play 20 levels or caverns which all have the same look and boring gameplay...
-Andreas Koch.