Donkey Kong Junior

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Comments (2)
eppy2000 - 05/03/2016
Decent enough conversion for an OK sequel, but for me it just didn't have the same nostalgia or popularity as the original Donkey Kong.

As with its predecessor, the game was more difficult than the ColecoVision version, particularly on the second screen. In fact, a friend of mine who owned both hated the Atari version because it was too difficult even for him, and he was a relatively skilled arcade player. However, that aside, at least with the Atari version, when you successfully completed that round, you got the satisfaction of Donkey Kong booting Mario off into oblivion (as opposed to seeing DK raise his arms in victory).

I myself could never get past the second screen until the cheat code for invincibility was printed (I think it was in Atari Explorer magazine).
Punkydudester - 10/12/2014
Excellent game. I think it is just as good as the first.


Donkey Kong Junior atari screenshot
Donkey Kong Junior atari screenshot
Donkey Kong Junior atari screenshot
Donkey Kong Junior atari screenshot
Donkey Kong Junior atari screenshot
Donkey Kong Junior atari screenshot


GenreArcade - Platformer (Single Screen)Year1983
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisherAtari
Players1, 2 (alt.)CountryUSA

Sacher, Kevin / Milhorn, Jeff

Graphic Artist(s)Medium Cartridge
Cover Artist(s)[unknown]SerialRX8040
Dumpdownload atari Donkey Kong Junior Download

Additional Comments

The version available here is 100% verified. Note that another edition with a CRC of a4eb70ef is also "floating around". Still unknown is whether it was a revision or a bad dump from the start. According to Kr0tki, "the only difference is bit 2 in $3ffd which controls whether the cartridge gets run after initialization. This doesn't seem to affect how the game works since it never leaves initialization anyway".


Donkey Kong Junior Atari cartridge scan Donkey Kong Junior Atari cartridge scan Donkey Kong Junior Atari cartridge scan Donkey Kong Junior Atari cartridge scan


Donkey Kong Junior Atari instructions Donkey Kong Junior Atari instructions Donkey Kong Junior Atari instructions Donkey Kong Junior Atari instructions


Donkey Kong Junior Atari catalog Donkey Kong Junior Atari catalog

Easter Eggs

During a game, press SHIFT and type BOOGA. Press K for invincibility or S for the next level.

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